Welcome to the Ancient Lamps of the Mediterranean Basin Project!

This website was designed to virtually exhibit the collection of Mediterranean oil lamps at the University of Maryland Department of Art History and Archaeology. 

The exhibit includes an interactive map of the Mediterranean to show the general region of origin for each lamp in the collection. Because provenance is difficult to associate with these artifacts, lamps are generally classified by a larger region or geographical location. 

All eleven of the lamps in the collection were documented with the purpose of creating 3D models. These 3D models were produced in Agisoft Metashape, a photogrammetry program, and are now hosted on SketchFab; where visitors can view the lamps in detail. 


The creation of the 3D models were completed by Fall 2022 interns of the Michele Smith Collaboratory.

The creation of this webpage and minor 3D modeling adjustments were executed by Rhys Burns, Bridget McElwee, and Zeynep Yilmazcoban - the Spring 2023 Michele Smith Collaboratory interns. 

The work done on this project was supervised by Dr. Quint Gregory and Dr. Chris Cloke, director and associate director of the Collaboratory.